AMB Volume 40, Issue 2, 2024
Pages 269-271Inflammatory Papillary Hyperplasia: A Case Report
Tsitou V-M., Rallis D., Tsekova M., Yanev N.
This clinical case report presents a case of inflammatory papillary hyperplasia (IPH) in a 66-year-old female patient with controlled Type II diabetes and a year-long oral candidiasis. Presenting with discomfort and multiple nodular lesions under her relevantly new (3 years old) ill-fitting full maxillary denture, which she wore throughout the day and night, where she continuously used denture adhesives to stabilize the denture and relieve the discomfort caused by the ill-fitting construction, her condition was indicative of inflammatory papillary hyperplasia and fungal infection. Management involved local antifungal treatment, diode laser surgical removal of nodular lesions to alleviate the discomfort, fabrication of a new denture, and extensive oral hygiene education. Over two months, the Candida levels were eliminated. This case highlights the complexities of treating denture stomatitis in patients with systemic health issues, emphasizing the need for a multidisciplinary treatment approach and continuous care.
Keywords: inflammatory papillary hyperplasia, type II diabetes, oral candidiasis, prosthetic hygiene, multidisciplinary treatment
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