
AMB Volume 31, Issue 2, December 2015 / Pages 141-144

Purification of arabinomannan synthesized by Cryptococcus laurentii AL100

Rusinova-Videva, S., Radchenkova, N., Dobrev, G., Pavlova, K.

The Antarctic yeast strain Cryptococcus laurentii AL100 was selected as an active arabinomannan producer (Pavlova et al., 2011). The synthesized biopolymer was subjected to purification by two methods. In the application of molecular-sieve purification with Sephadex G75, two separate carbohydrate fractions were detected, while the use of gel-filtration system on Sepharose DEAE CL-6B showed three distinct carbohydrate fractions. The protein content of the fractions was also established.

Keywords: exopolysaccharide, yeasts, purification, Cryptococcus laurentii, carbohydrate

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